Mental health its for real
To those who are pretending to be okay
The world can't see ur dark patches beneath the eyes nor those subconjuntival haemorrhage
Because ur bright smile hides it well
I can see how broken u are,
How much amount of tears u have shed
How the anxiety is engulfing you
The world has seen your "i am jolly moment"
But not" i will cry any minute"phase
Patching eye pads,
Relaxing musics
Staying motivated
BUT still
Struggling for just couple of hrs of sleep
Those sleepless nights when you all see is yourself in a dark room, eyes full of tear
Consoling self not to overthink
Flushing of skin
Fear of not fall sleep when tried
Banging heads
Cursing self
Want to run away from all these stuffs
But hey! That's ok. Yes, it's ok
Maybe sadness prepares you for the thing that happiness couldn't. It makes you realise your worth.
There will be moments when even you would hate urself. That self loathe is so damaging for anyone, & it takes time to overcome that..
As said there is always a light at the end of tunnel. Few days ago, i saw a post that read
" you are happy when you bring out your emotions to the world"
Life will always seem unfair because of the thing that shattered you & made you stand in this place where everything seems soo empty..
Often most of us had felt that ache which we just took to our heart but never told anyone..
It happens. Pretending has never helped in healing.
So, hey just pour out your suppressed feeling those revoving stuffs that subconsciously pinching you.
Affecting every sec of your life, killing your happiness
I know its quite difficult at first,
Fear of judgement, confidentiality, impression creeps in &
Lets your words die in the lips
But a big NO to it.
Not to all but either to your family or a closed ones, whom you trust, can rely upon
Or else just to a stranger without giving your details.
Trust me this helps a lot
You don't have to struggle in silence
Your feelings are valid, And you matter
Your now is not your forever
This shall too pass
Dont be like moon, part of it being always hidden
Cry, shout,murmur, be rude, curse but plz dont give up 🙏
A problem shared is problem halved....